Mind Body Well-being


Sound familiar?

  • I weigh myself daily and the number on the scale dictates my mood for the day

  • I have been on and off diets my entire life

  • I am an athlete who believes that health and winning are mutually exclusive

  • I want more energy

  • I’ve been diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes and I am worried that I will no longer be able to enjoy my favorite foods

  • I avoid food or eat when I am stressed or bored

  • I am always hungry and don’t feel satisfied, even if I have just eaten

  • I believe that if I just had more willpower, I would be able to stick to a diet and lose weight

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Learn how to become a diet-culture dropout

Physical and mental wellness and enjoying foods we like are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, they are intrinsically connected.

The status quo of the weight-science in western medicine is that a smaller body is a healthier body. We wholeheartedly disagree and see first-hand how this belief contributes to physical and mental suffering.

Food, nutrition, and movement certainly support our overall health, but the idea that health is in our full-control is much more complicated, as it intersects with genetics, trauma, environment, social determinants of health, and more.

Health at Every Size is an evidence-based model that helps healthcare providers care for people in bodies of all shapes and sizes. It is a much needed response to all the noise out there about food and bodies.

Reach out if you want to learn more about letting go of the body you think you need and thriving in the one you have.
